作者:快盘下载 人气:1、安装依赖
npm i wangeditor;4.7.15 --save
const defaultConfig = { menus: [ ;head;, // 标题 ;bold;, // 加粗 ;fontSize;, // 字号 ;fontName;, // 字体 ;italic;, // 斜体 ;underline;, // 下划线 ;strikeThrough;, // 删除线 ;indent;, // 缩进 ;lineHeight;, // 行高 ;foreColor;, // 字体颜色 ;backColor;, // 背景色 ;link;, // 链接 ;list;, // 序列 // ;todo;, // 待办事项 ;justify;, // 对齐 ;quote;, // 引用 // ;emoticon;, // 表情 ;image;, // 图片 ;video;, // 视频 // ;table;, // 表格 // ;code;, // 代码 ;splitLine;, // 分割线 ;undo;, // 撤销 ;redo;, // 恢复 ], fontNames: [;黑体;, ;仿宋;, ;楷体;, ;宋体;, ;微软雅黑;, ;Arial;], // 常用字体 lineHeights: [;1;, ;1.15;, ;1.6;, ;2;, ;2.5;, ;3;], uploadImgAccept: [;jpg;, ;jpeg;, ;png;, ;gif;, ;bmp;, ;webp;], // 限制图片类型 uploadVideoAccept: [;mp4;], // 限制视频类型 } export default { defaultConfig, }
import E from ;wangeditor; const { $, BtnMenu } = E // 设置默认样式 const initPStyle = ;text-indent: 2em; font-size: 20px !important; line-height: 1.5; font-family: 仿宋; export default class wLayoutMenu extends BtnMenu { constructor(editor) { // data-title属性表示当鼠标悬停在该按钮上时提示该按钮的功能简述 const $elem = $(;<div class=;w-e-menu; style=;width: 80px;font-weight: bold;color: #999; data-title=;一键排版;>一键排版</div>;) super($elem, editor) } clickHandler() { // 获取富文本编辑区的DOM const childDomArr = this.editor.$textElem.elems[0].childnodes if (childDomArr.length > 0) { childDomArr.forEach((item) => { // 富文本编辑的内容默认外层都是由p标签包容;所以直接在p标签上进行设置默认排版的样式 if (item.nodeName === ;P;) { = initPStyle } if (item.childNodes.length > 0) { // 遍历找到子元素中存在img标签的内容进行设置默认样式 item.childNodes.forEach((child) => { if (child.localName === ;img;) { // 获取原图width、height const width = child.width const height = child.height const ratio = width / height const setW = 600 let setH = 0 // 等比计算 if (setW / setH !== ratio) { setH = setW / ratio } // 给img标签设置行内样式 child.setAttribute(;width;, setW) child.setAttribute(;height;, setH) = ;text-align: center; } }) } }) } } // 菜单是否被激活;如果不需要;这个函数可以空着; tryChangeActive() {} }
<template> <div style=;position: relative; :style=;pareStyle;> <div ref=;editor;></div> <div v-if=;dataUploading; class=;tips-progress;> <el-progress style=;width: 60% :text-inside=;true; :stroke-width=;$px(18); :percentage=;uploadProgress; :color=;customColors; status=;success; ></el-progress> </div> </div> </template> <script> import WangEditor from ;wangeditor; import config from ;./config; import wLayoutMenu from ;./wLayoutMenu; import emitter from ;element-ui/src/mixins/emitter; import axios from ;axios; export default { name: ;WangEditor;, mixins: [emitter], props: { value: { type: String, default: ;;, }, height: { type: Number, default: 200, }, // M uploadImgMaxSize: { type: Number, default: 5, }, // M uploadVideoMaxSize: { type: Number, default: 500, }, placeholder: { type: String, default: ;请输入内容...;, }, config: { type: Object, default: () => { return {} }, }, }, data() { return { editorE: ;;, // 编辑器的对象 dataUploading: false, uploadProgress: 0, pareStyle: {}, focused: false, customColors: [ { color: ;#f56c6c;, percentage: 20, }, { color: ;#e6a23c;, percentage: 40, }, { color: ;#5cb87a;, percentage: 60, }, { color: ;#1989fa;, percentage: 80, }, { color: ;#6f7ad3;, percentage: 100, }, ], } }, computed: { needConfig() { return { ...config.defaultConfig, ...this.config } }, }, watch: { value(val) { // 普通的watch监听 if (val !== this.editorE.txt.html()) { this.editorE.txt.html(val) } }, }, mounted() { const that = this // 初始化编辑框 that.init() window.addEventListener(;resize;, () => { that.editorE.destroy() that.editorE = null that.pareStyle = {} that.init() }) }, beforeDestroy() { // 销毁编辑器 this.editorE.destroy() this.editorE = null }, methods: { init() { const that = this /* 实例化 */ that.editorE = new WangEditor(that.$refs.editor) // 设置富文本的高度 that.editorE.config.height = that.height // 取消自动 focus that.editorE.config.focus = false // 注册菜单 that.editorE.menus.extend(;shortcutLayout;, wLayoutMenu) // 配置菜单 that.editorE.config.menus = that.needConfig.menus // 配置字体 that.editorE.config.fontNames = that.needConfig.fontNames // 默认提示 that.editorE.config.placeholder = that.placeholder // 配置全屏功能 默认全屏 that.editorE.config.showFullScreen = true // 配置行高 that.editorE.config.lineHeights = that.needConfig.lineHeights // 设置菜单栏提示为上标还是下标 that.editorE.config.menuTooltipPosition = ;down; // 配置element ui message提示 that.editorE.config.customAlert = (s, t) => { switch (t) { case ;success;: that.$message.success(s) break case ;info;: that.$ break case ;warning;: that.$message.warning(s) break case ;error;: that.$message.error(s) break default: that.$ break } } // 图片上传 // 隐藏插入网络图片功能 that.editorE.config.showLinkImg = false // 默认限制图片大小是 5M that.editorE.config.uploadImgMaxSize = that.uploadImgMaxSize * 1024 * 1024 // 限制图片类型 that.editorE.config.uploadImgAccept = that.needConfig.uploadImgAccept // 限制一次最多能传几张图片 that.editorE.config.uploadImgMaxLength = 1 that.editorE.config.customUploadImg = function(resultFiles, insertImgFn) { that.uploadProgress = 0 that.dataUploading = true const file = resultFiles[0] axios .post(;xxxx;, file, { onUploadProgress: (progressEvent) => { // 图片上传进度 const percent = ((progressEvent.loaded / * 100) | 0 that.uploadProgress = percent }, }) .then((res) => { const { status, data } = res // 不管上没上传成功都关闭进度条 that.dataUploading = false if (status === 201) { insertImgFn(data.url) } else { that.$message.error(;图片上传失败;) } }) } // 视频上传 // 隐藏插入网络视频功能 that.editorE.config.showLinkVideo = false // 限制视频大小 that.editorE.config.uploadVideoMaxSize = that.uploadVideoMaxSize * 1024 * 1024 // 限制视频类型 that.editorE.config.uploadVideoAccept = that.needConfig.uploadVideoAccept // 自定义视频上传;由于视频一般较大;需要显示进度;就不用编辑器定义的上传了 that.editorE.config.customUploadVideo = function(resultFiles, insertVideoFn) { that.uploadProgress = 0 that.dataUploading = true const file = resultFiles[0] axios .post(;xxxx;, file, { onUploadProgress: (progressEvent) => { // 视频上传进度 const percent = ((progressEvent.loaded / * 100) | 0 that.uploadProgress = percent }, }) .then((res) => { const { status, data } = res // 不管上没上传成功都关闭进度条 that.dataUploading = false if (status === 201) { insertVideoFn(data.url) } else { that.$message.error(;视频上传失败;) } }) } // 粘贴处理 // 关闭粘贴样式的过滤 that.editorE.config.pasteFilterStyle = false // 自定义处理粘贴的文本内容 that.editorE.config.pasteTextHandle = function(pasteStr) { // 对粘贴的文本进行处理;然后返回处理后的结果 const htmlDom = document.createElement(;div;) htmlDom.innerHTML = pasteStr const imgDomArr = htmlDom.querySelectorAll(;img[src];) imgDomArr.forEach((img) => { = ;100% }) const result = htmlDom.innerHTML htmlDom.remove() return result } // 创建编辑器 that.editorE.create() that.$nextTick(() => { const offsetHeight = that.$refs.editor.offsetHeight const offsetWidth = that.$refs.editor.offsetWidth that.pareStyle = { height: ;${offsetHeight}px;, width: ;${offsetWidth}px;, } that.editorE.txt.html(this.value) }) // 监控变化;同步更新到文本 向上传递更新 that.editorE.config.onchange = function(html) { that.$emit(;input;, html) } // 失去焦点处理 that.editorE.config.onblur = function(newHtml) { // 用于el-form表单验证;具体参考el-input if (that.focused) { that.focused = false that.dispatch(;ElFormItem;, ;el.form.blur;, [newHtml]) } } // 聚焦处理 that.editorE.config.onfocus = function() { that.focused = true } }, }, } </script> <style scoped lang=;scss;> .tips-progress { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100% height: 100% line-height: 100% background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index: 100000; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } ::v-deep .w-e-toolbar { border-color: #d4d4d4 !important; } ::v-deep .w-e-text-container { border-color: #d4d4d4 !important; } </style>