Deep TabNine代码补全工具 真的有那么神奇吗?
作者:快盘下载 人气:AI世界里什么都被炒得火热,就连撸代码的家伙都被标上了AI的标签,工具退出后,大有抢了程序员饭碗的架势。程序是否真有这么好用?
什么是Deep TabNine?
Deep TabNine是根据程序员过去的习惯自动补全,并在后面给出几种选项的概率。如果有类似代码出现在之前的项目里,TabNine还会在补全候选框中直接给出地址,方便用户点击进去查阅。
Deep TabNine都支持哪些语言
除了以上程序,Deep TabNine还支持JavaScript、C、PHP、Go、C#、Ruby、Objective-C、Rust、Swift、TypeScript、OCaml、Scala、Kotlin、Perl、SQL、HTML、CSS和Bash。
Deep TabNine 支持的编码语言完整列表如下:
Python,JavaScript,Java,C ++,C,PHP,Go,C#,Ruby,Objective-C,Rust,Swift,TypeScript,Haskell,OCaml,Scala,Kotlin,Perl ,SQL,HTML,CSS,Bash
Deep TabNine都支持哪些编辑器
Visual Studio Code
Press Ctrl+P, paste the following command, and press Enter.
ext install TabNine.tabnine-vscode
Then press the Reload button in the extensions tab.
Many users choose to disable the default behavior of using Enter to accept completions, to avoid accepting a completion when they intended to start a new line. You can do this by going to Settings → Editor: Accept Suggestion On Enter and setting it to off.
IntelliJ Platform (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Android Studio, and others)
Press Ctrl+Alt+Sto open the Settings/Preferences dialog.
Search for TabNine in the Marketplace tab and press Install.
Press the Restart IDE button.
sublime Text
Install Package Control by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Pand selecting Install Package Control.
Install TabNine by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Pand selecting Package Control: Install Package and then TabNine.
With Vundle
Add Plugin 'zxqfl/tabnine-vim'to your .vimrc.
Type :PluginInstalland press Enter.
Without Vundle
Run git clone --depth 1 your terminal.
Add set rtp+=~/tabnine-vimto your .vimrc (replacing ~/tabnine-vimwith the path you cloned it to).